The 30th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

During the 30th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, staff of the Municipal Social Assistance Centre in Wrocław invited representatives of institutions co-creating the “Wrocław WITHOUT Violence” City Campaign to discuss effective reporting of violence, where to get help, the effect of the pandemic on the situation of victims of violence, especially children and young people, and the importance of social campaigns such as Wrocław WITHOUT Violence and White Ribbon.

Izabela Pawłowska – Chairwoman of the Interdisciplinary Team for Counteracting Family Violence, Joanna Nyczak – Director of the Department of Health and Social Affairs of the Wrocław City Hall, and Benita Dobrzańska – psychologist at the Municipal Social Assistance Centre contributed to the discussion.

The conversation starts at 2:45 under the link:

Click to listen